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Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Prayer of Faith

Living in the interplay of Divine Potential,
I awake to the high vibration of faith,
free-flowing through macrocosmic correspondence.
Conscious of who I am, dazzled by what I see,
I bring forth Divine inspiration,
raising my lower self to its highmost.

Choosing Trust over fear, all I do, say and write
casts my vibrational vote of love for Heaven on Earth.
I am emancipated from the fear-filled self,
lifting me to a whole new plane of spiritual magnitude
where all is resolved by faithfulness to the truth.

Any abstractions that entered my casual periphery
now reverse themselves through faithful re-alignment
with the stabilizing element of this, my incarnation.
Knowing God as indivisible,
I am at peace with Its multiplicity.
Unobstructed and free from interference,
the battle between the higher and lower energies subside
as the clash of colors return to their perfect blend.

Even in the midst of darkness and doubt,
my faith and trust intensifies, proving God prevails.
Wakefulness, quieting the cacophony of this world,
finds the distortion of longing
replaced by a deep sense of spiritual knowingness.
I find the light, not by turning back from darkness,
but by courageously walking through it.

Faithfully claiming the Divine power I am,
self-assured of the perfect outcome,
I confidently step into my greatest challenge.
Knowing all the forces of the universe unite
to bring any imbalance to a complete healing.
I trust the shift takes place in my awareness,
giving my spirit the growth it came here to learn.

No longer deceived by the malleable ways of this world,
my soul’s eye becomes faithfully transfixed on God.
I dissolve any fears of folly by refusing to respond
to anything but the deepest and highest.
Grateful to have arrived at the point where I started,
in loving partnership with the Omnipotent,
I know this place for the first time, again and again
with a heart refreshed and renewed and a faith-filled spirit.

And so it is!

Rev. Christian

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post Election Reflection

Some of my thoughts after the presidential election – In love, Rev. Christian

TO DESERT THE TRUTH IN THE HOUR OF NEED IS TO PROVE THAT WE DO NOT KNOW THE TRUTH.  When things look the worst, that is the supreme moment to demonstrate, to ourselves, that there are no obstructions to the operation of Truth.  When things look the worst is the best time to work, the most satisfying time. 
~Ernest Holmes

When life seems the worst, it’s the best time to know the spiritual truth. After heart break, loss of a loved one or an election it’s right to grieve, feel anger, sadness and disappointment. There is no urgency to rush through ones emotions. It takes time. It seems after each new president, half the country goes through mourning, each time confident, “It has never been this serious.”

During this election, I witnessed more people praying and meditating for the highest good of our country than any other time I can recollect. Monday night, more than a hundred women came together in the gardens of Seaside. They arrived with drums in hand ready to pray, meditate and create a soul-filled connection with mother earth for the highest and best for our country. As Seaside was both an official polling location AND a location for the flash mob meditation event with Elevate the Vote, I was surrounded by people praying for the greatest outcome for our world.  The answer to those prayers may have been or not been what everyone pictured or expected with deep hopefulness, but what I know  for sure, what unfolds is the answer to prayer and will elevate our nation to the highest good.

God as Omnipresence is in all places, including the most horrific of circumstances. Spirit is as available in your life the morning after a disappointment as it was the day before.  People have been crying for change for so long and it doesn’t usually come in a nice neat package. We must know there is good to be found as the old structures give way to the emerging change for greater good.  In the face of unsettling unfoldment, we must not permit ourselves to be influence by outside conditions or internal fears; we must stay focused on knowing it is all God in action.

Our country and people are all expressions of God. We are so much more than our fears. 
I will not give into fear, negativity and doubt because those emotions don’t produce Spirit’s vision of a world that works for everyone. I will turn to love knowing our leaders will be empowered more by this and better fed by love than fear, worry and hate. I give up the need for someone to be lovable before I can love them. I take it as my responsibility to believe, see and call forth the good that is in all people. If hate and violence is not what I wanted, then I will refuse to fall victim to an unconscious reactionary expression I did not support.
Evolution doesn’t tend to be a smooth process. Change does bring gifts but not always in the manner wanted. The unknown is the catalyst of change. Clearly, humanity is being called to practice faith, trust and belief in a knowing that these election results are somehow God’s expression of our prayers. Even if it seems hidden now, remember we wanted change. The Intelligence that guides the universe is the same wisdom that is moving through the United States and its leaders right now.

You can’t enjoy a You Tube video if you stare at only one frame. You will not understand what is going on in this process if you are caught on just this present image. You must take a mountaintop view to realize you have a choice. You always have a choice as to how you respond in the world. Do not allow the outside to dictate who you are. You are always casting a vibrational vote – Ask yourself if you are casting the kind of energy to the collective consciousness of a world in which you want to live. The work at hand involves our willingness to be part of the healing by trusting Good is emerging from a nation divided and that our prayers for change and greater good are happening now.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Prayer for this Presidential Election

I trust the Wisdom that guides the Universe is the same Intelligence
that moves through all voters to guide this Presidential election to its perfect outcome. 
The inherent Spiritual nature of Infinite Harmony prevails
throughout the inner individual search for the right choice
that is beyond any conflicting limiting perceptions of separation.
I let go of any disillusions about false outcomes because God always affirms the truth.
In this election, I witness the emergence of a new phase of Divine Transformation
encompassing all dimensions of political and national expression.

This election reveals a new global security resting in God’s hands
as informed citizens and discerning people who vote for a fresh political vision.
I stand at the tipping point which releases the most peaceful time in human history.
Through a new level of diplomacy, war as it is now known, is obsolete.
I participate in this historic moment for peace, understanding and reconciliation.

The rhetoric of pundits gives way to a new lexicon of compassion and unity.
Fear turns into trust, deceit becomes transparent, distain alchemizes to respect.
With this new Delphic manner of speech, the abundant tide returns.
The debilitating, capricious chaotic concerns of scarcity, loss, and abandonment
become the prime candidates for the vicissitudes of change our country needs
while poverty dissolves into the nothingness from where it came.

Seeing how cynicism grew into uncontrolled economic excess, borrowing and spending.
I know Spirit does not affirm corruption, lack, or pain; for God only knows Infinite Good.
I choose to see as God sees our nation in a trusting light of abundant love.
Any lingering pockets of discontent are just places that know not yet their heavenly
beauty of abundant freedom and love. Sharing and circulation of wealth return
as Spirit’s guidance move us from times of peril to promise of our great destiny.

In a shifting responsiveness to the collective heart, a new day is born. 
This change brings about a unified nation and a comprehensive global respect.
The turnout of voters for this 2016 election is at an all time high as there is
a return to the honoring of each individual’s voice, talent and purpose.
Every contribution is welcomed and appreciated as the elected leadership
wisely navigates the profound challenges of the new political age.

This incoming benevolent leadership converges and cooperates, while embracing
the interplay between the nations and people of our common Earth.
This new field of understanding catapults all beyond the fragmentations of the past
to a creative way toward globalization of freedom and equanimity for the human family.

I gratefully believe this noble task has elected the right leadership at the right time
to guide the U.S. and humanity to the fulfillment of God’s vision of heaven on earth.
I let go to this deep knowingness of Divine right action
fulfilling itself for the highest and best of all concerned.
And so it is!

Rev. C

Friday, March 25, 2016

My Heartfelt Response to the Attacks in Brussels

In regards to the Brussels Terrorist Attacks, I first honor those whose lives were lost, wounded and the families whose lives have been impacted by this horrific action.

Yet regardless of these circumstances, let us refuse to give our power away to fear and intimidation. Our deep spiritual conviction is what wants to be called on in a time such as this. I'm calling upon our community to unite in seeing the possibility of peace on our planet now. Let us come together and accept the charge and responsibility to become the voice for peace rather than drama or revenge. Allow your consciousness not be one of persecution but one of bringing hope to the troubled with a greater vision of what’s possible in a world that works for everyone. With the strength of your deepest conviction, make this the ultimate Truth wiping out the existing collective's false beliefs and with them anything but that Truth of Good fades away into the nothingness from which it came.  Remind those in a position of influence to encourage a display of harmony and God expression over painful drama so humanity is not sucked into despair. 

If one is consumed by revenge or anger the ability to choose a higher thought is gone. At that point, the angry hateful one is vibrating at the same vibration as the terrorist. The choice is now ours.  Kill or create a world that works for every one by choosing harmony, collaboration, and reverence for all humanity. Do not allow the desperate members of the human family, overwhelmed by their conditions and no longer open to peaceful resolutions, to create a reactionary schism in your world. The efforts of this day call to put in twice the dose of understanding and love.

I know it’s tough to love and understand at a time like this, but this is exactly the kind of time which requires a different thought, a new thought, an elevated mountaintop thought of  a Divine knowing. God has not abandoned us, but it is we who have forgotten God is fully present even in the midst of the pain. Spirit is Omnipresent and there is no place where God is not. I recognize it’s tough to turn to your higher self, but that is the greatest gift you have to give humanity. What we have to offer the Global consciousness on this day and always is a deep knowing that all is well and this includes in Brussels.


In this anxious time, I sense the calm of Spirit
breathing its refreshing and comforting blessings.
Feeling the cooling ocean breeze blowing upon my soul
all heated concerns are now evacuated from my thoughts.
The harmonious caring environment of my heart
embraces all who have been touched by the pain of what occurred in Brussels.

As the smoke dissipates and the smoldering ashes go out,
the shaken spirit perceives a new world of love, and compassion.
Returning home from the threatening world of fear,
I rest in God’s perfect calm and quiet.
The experience of interdependence and comaraderie
create a renewed respect and appreciation for life.
This new social synergy infuses the environment with love
as the clear clean atmosphere reemerges.

Being grateful for the pouring forth of resources
confirms the continual miracle of God showing up in time.
Letting go of all natural human concerns in the wake of dramatic events,
there is a deep knowing flowing from thought to enthused action,
I find a Divine guiding system moving me through all
the environmental and media pollutants of consciousness.
I am at peace around all areas of my life.

I think clearly, I understand Divinely, I act inspiringly
for God is the tipping point for the spontaneous
and continuous Good to now be supporting me.
I am guided to make the right choices
and take the right actions in my life.
As the global heart is activated,
I trust in the environmental impact raising humanities
outpouring of love in action.

I know I am and all people are comforted on our planet
sensing God’s embrace through our family friends and strangers,
for I am blessed by the encounter experienced.
No longer threatened, feeling safe and stress free,
I return to the security of my union with God.
With a deeper realization of what is important in life
letting go of the superfluous, I now remember with a deep calm
from the core of my being, who I am to be in this world.

I am grateful for my life affirming perception
as my emotions balance and mind clears.
As I let go, my life is richer for expressing
the clarity of God in the midst of question.

Rev. Christian